annit replied

317 weeks ago

Hello dear)) Recently, they moved to the suburbs so that the kids would breathe fresh air. Just as they did not think that there would be such a number of mosquitoes)) Children forever bitten go. Advise any traps or something, well, that would be effective. And in addition, my children can be seen from the fact that they moved to a new place for a long time to sleep. What to do with my mind I will not apply. Can you tell me what to give them before bedtime or you need to buy special pillows …

last edited 310 weeks ago by annit

lizzi replied

317 weeks ago

When we encountered a similar problem, we were advised to look click to read more In general, this resource has a selection of the best products from these annoying mosquitoes. By the way, we acquired mosquito traps and are satisfied with their efficiency.

annit replied

310 weeks ago

Thank you for your reply. Your traps helped me. Can't you tell me some kind of herbal medicine for sleeping children? They are still tormented by me and cannot sleep for a long time, and even in a dream they constantly turn over. By the way, I also suffer in a dream and cannot find a comfortable position for sleeping.
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