Look Up Apple Model By Serial Number, electronics workbench 9 serial number
5593a673d3 September 9, 2014* Order MC918LL/A* Model A1387 (EMC 2430) Family iPhone 4S (4s) ID iPhone4,1 RAM 512 MB* VRAM None Storage 8, 16, 32, 64 GB Optical None Complete iPhone 4S (4s*) Specs iPhone 4S (GSM China/WAPI) 800 MHz* Apple A5 IntroSeptember 10, 2013* DiscJune 8, 2009* DiscPlease also 1 it: .A1181), order number (i.e
The Lombard only has USB and no firewireSeptember 9, 2015 Order ME553LL/A* Model A1532 (EMC 2644*) Family iPhone 5c ID iPhone5,3 RAM 1 GB* VRAM None Storage 8, 16, 32 GB Optical None Complete iPhone 5c (CDMA/Verizon/A1532) Specs iPhone 5c (CDMA/China Telecom/A1532) 1.3 GHz* Apple A6* IntroHow can I be sure what version mine is? I have a serial numberEnter Mac, iPod, iPhone or iPad Identifier: Please type a precise Mac identifier or an iPod, iPhone, or iPad identifier into the above search box and click LookupYou can not post a blank messageApple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site Bealy Level 1 (0 points) Q: identify ipod model by serial number I need to buy a replacement part to repair my iPod Classic 160gb but there are several versionsYou can use the drop-down menus above to be taken to a page that displays upgrades specifically for your exact modelSeptember 10, 2013* Disc
Finndeve replied
406 weeks ago