Finndeve replied

440 weeks ago

Michel Thomas Portuguese Pdf Free >

What level are you? If youve studied a foreign language in the past 10 years or so, you might be familiar with these letters and numbers: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. If youre going to be using Portuguese to communicate in Portugal, it makes far more sense to learn the right grammar and pronunciation from the get go. I hope you both find them useful. Ivan says: September 18, 2014 at 10:12 pm Hello! Thanks for the links, I particularly loved the PracticePortuguese idea. Virginia Catmur's teaching technique is extremely clear and the format is very conducive to learning. This has been a great help to me in speaking the language. It seems the dictionary knows only 80% of the words I look up. If youre living in Portugal and cant find a free class, ask around and youll probably find a local private teacher who can come to your house or run small classes at a fairly low cost. I find languages very difficult, but at least I try. I would recommend it for people with some prior exposure to Portuguese or who are quick studies and who just want to brush up very quickly on the main rules of grammar and/or build up a decent vocabulary quickly.

It wasnt quite long enough for them to master the language but my daughter in particular understands a lot and my son (who was 7 at the time) has an amazing Spanish accent even if he doesnt know what all the words mean! I loved the Michel Thomas CDs and, although they are a bit boring for children, I put them on in the car when we are all in there together sometimes and my husband and children are learning quite well from them. Do you know about the books/course offered by Irineu de Oliveira? Obrigada, MAP Reply Lauren says: November 2, 2014 at 11:35 am Oi MAP, infelizmente I dont know of any other European resources other than those on the European Pt page. Another basic learning resource we have tried for beginners Portuguese is Ear Worms which again is a listen only CD and the idea is it gets into your brain by saying Portuguese phrases in an annoyingly rhythmic way and they kind of stick! Just as a side note to Julie loved your post on Monsaraz we have bought our house quite near there. Thank You for Submitting Your Review, ! Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Use these and you can be confident that your attempts to imitate the native speakers pronunciation are at least a step in the right direction. Now Im trying to learn german to get level A2 (in six months ), and compared to english, it is much much harder. His relatives are from Azores and my great aunt who is not alive anymore was from there too. Customer Reviews Excellent! by John Ennis My girlfriend and I completed this course as well as the the follow up advanced course and we were extremely pleased with our purchase.

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last edited 384 weeks ago by Finndeve
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