99e74dbacb Dachshund. German Pinscher. Bloodhound 3491 records 19 user adds 6 photos C:Mike Herwin E:mike.herwinbtopenworld.com W:www.mike-herwin.com . American Eskimo Dog. Thai Ridgeback.
Our first shoe was a good one lets make this one great. Order an Online Pedigree Step-by-Step Ordering Instructions To add a pedigree, awards record, or other dog-specific product, you must login to the online store as usual. Belgian Shepherd 3536 records 271 user adds 102 photos C:Sandi Weldon E:monamitervsprodigy.net W:www.monamitervuren.com . American Hairless Terrier. OFEL14 - is for elbow certification, 14 is the dog's age in months when certified. Vizsla. German Wirehaired Pointer 6836 records 0 user adds 3 photos C:Mike Herwin E:mike.herwinbtopenworld.com W:www.mike-herwin.com .
Finndeve replied
454 weeks ago