This is my Idia how to start Armorcraft and do Achievement as well
Lv. 1 - 10
you need to craft Bronze Ingot around 25 Pieces Then Craft this Bronze Ingot to Brounz Ringes 25 craft again total craft will be 50 to close first 50 craft in Armercraft and i will list item need it to do that
In this Stage you will craft Cobalt Ingot and keep that to next Stage and Item need it to do that
Cobalt Ore ( 3000 Pieces ) Iron Ore (1500 Pieces ) Fire ( 1500 Shard )
Lv. 41 - 50
In this Stage you will chage that Cobalt Ingot to Coblalt Rivets and you already have 1500 Pieces Ready to craft so you will need other stoke fo Cobalt Ingot which will cost you same as lv. 31 - 40 but i will add items anyway
Cobalt Ore ( 3000 Pieces ) Iron Ore (1500 Pieces ) Fire ( 1500 Shard )
and wind for change Cobalt Ingot to Cobalt Rivets
Wind ( 12000 Shard )
Congratulation now toy have Armercraft Lv. 50 and Achievement done .
Lil Smoky Default replied
660 weeks ago