Current rules for linkshell. These may be changed at any time so keep an eye out.
1) Be kind to people both in linkshell and out of linkshell and try to help others when needed. Don't cause drama.
2) Linkshell members have total priority over loot in cases where we pug members for events. If the pug gets a piece of loot, they get to keep it for themselves or choose to give it to someone else. If a linkshell member gets a piece of loot, discuss if anybody needs that particular loot in the linkshell before giving it to a pug who may need it.
3) Loot priority is need/greed. Each player can announce what classes they actively play, what classes they off-play, and any classes that they do not actively want gear in but will take it anyway. For example, if running Aurum Vale and a piece of Heavy Darklight drops and you do not actively play PLD or WAR as a main or off-class, have those in the party /random that do play it as a main or off-class. If a piece of Heavy Darklight drops to you and you do actively play PLD or WAR as a main or off-class, no further rolling is needed and you can keep that item.
Note that regarding the above rule, your main class has priority over your off-class. If your off-class is WHM and one of the main LS WHMs is in the party, and you get WHM loot, pass the loot over to the main WHM.
Furthermore, there is a limited tolerance to how many pieces of loot one person may obtain before others (regardless of main or off-class). If a main WAR already has 2 pieces of WAR loot and they receive a third drop, and other main/off WARs are in the party have 0, they must pass the loot on to someone else.
4) For seal drops, even distribution is expected among LS members. If you have 1 seal but someone else in the party does not have any seals, and you get another seal, have the people with 0 seals /random and pass the seal along to the winner. If you do not have a seal or everyone else already has 1 seal, no further rolling is needed and the next person to get a seal obtains it.
Rjain Midnight Admin replied
660 weeks ago